
High Jump: For the Gents

As I promised some time ago (has it been two weeks already?!?), below is a video of the progression of male high jumpers. This is the second part of this video, so please go to youtube if you wish to watch the first part.

This is a great video, that has many great examples of fabulous high jumpers. However, I would like to apologize for the music. Creed sucked, they still suck, and they always will suck. Terrible song. Also, the last song is Van Morrison and Tom Jones. Nothing says world class athletic performance like a duet between Morrison and Jones. What were Ronstadt and Bolton not available? I guess this is a good substitute.

I think the highlights of the video are numerous, but look at the videos of Javier Sotomayor from Cuba. Sotomayor is the world record holder in the high jump, and I believe the record has stood for around 16 years now. You can see a really good example of his jumps beginning at the 4:11 part of the video. Do what you can to watch his steps, his rhythm, his distinct phases, his speed, his arms, his bar clearance...all of it. He is the world record holder for a reason. His approach is much different than ours, but you can see some of the same principles in that we use imbedded in this much different approach. The number one thing I would like to point at is the "figure 4" running motion he gets on each step. He is on his toes. He lands with his foot directly under his center of gravity, and he is running tall. We talk about this alot, but rarely is it seen in as fine of form as it is here.

Also watch the part with Sotomayor at the 6:40 mark. Yet, another reason to not give up on a jump! He stretches that bar to the very limits, but because he is well-practiced and maintains his technique the bar stays on. (There is another video of him right after this one that I also love, because not only is it a beautiful jump, but he totally snubs the little kid that comes out to give him a high-five right afterwards. So awesome.) And then beginning at around the 8:30 mark is the world record jump. It speaks for itself.