
Monday WOD

Day 7

8 Rounds, for time of
150 meter run
Box Jumps (try to use an 18" box)
15 push-ups
15 sit ups

The other day I said I was going to post a sheet for weightlifting. The following form is based off of Jim Wendler's 5-3-1 program, which I believe, when done in concert with the assistance work is great for GPP. So, for any of you prepping for your next sports season, or heading off to compete in college, this may be perfect for you. This link to the Google Document to make your own is below, but please contact me if you have any questions--call, text, email, or comment.

Check out the Wendler program for yourself. Click here. You can buy the e-book at the linked site, and to be honest it's pretty good. Wendler is a former power-lifter that was looking for a program that offered more functionality and he came up with 5-3-1. He really knows his stuff, and his e-book is quite motivational and informative.