The effort the last two days from everyone has been amazing. I was reluctant when Coach Lancett said that we were going to break up into our individual events to give all athletes the chance to try them out. However, I did see that it was a good idea. I saw a lot of athletes bumping around to different spots, which is great. Personally, I learned that I had some high jumpers that I was not expecting. Lancett had some great block drills with high participation. Coach Martinez had prospective pole vaulters doing a ton of different drills and exercises--awesome to see. Coach Smith had a large group at the LJ and TJ pits. All the while Coach Hidy had the throwers and coaches Kuhn and Euwema (distance) had their distance kids working on drills specific to their events, and were the last ones out the door today.
Great job to everybody.
Remember these things...
- eat well when you get home from practice
- drink a ton of water
- get at least 8 hours of sleep tonight and everynight
- tell us when you are HURT or sick
- the track pack orders are due to Lancett by Friday
- Scrimmage Saturday @ Chap, bus leaves 7:30am SHARP
- Spike Night @ the Boulder Running Company, Fri 5:30-8 (Map below)
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