Feast your eyes below kiddies, for we have provided you a glimpse into our former years of awesomeness that helped pave the way to whom we are today.
This is an open thread, which basically means you are more than invited to leave your comments. All (appropriate ones) will be posted. Do your best (or worst, even).
You may want to play this as you go through this thread
Coach Johnston and his courtess, Sarah Honkington
I'm...speechless, but once twice thrice final |
Coach Wardell and her beau, Graham Wellington
Nothing quite says budding romance like a back ground of steamy sewer lines and a tug boat's trail of exhaust |
Coach Cook and her fella, Will Lasso
Four for the price of one! What a treat Coach Cook has given us. Will Lasso had to play a gig before the dance, but according to all reports they had a great time. |
Coach Whitenack and his enchantress, Beverly Sullivan
Sure this is a homecoming pic, but I couldn't repeat again. Try here for a prom pic I posted 2 years ago. The look on my face might say constipated, but the cardigan and collarless shirt screamed party. Once again, I out kicked my coverage with my date--much, MUCH too good for me. |
Coach Kriz and his date, Becky from the 90s Sitcom Full House
Uncle Jesse might have been mad, but Kriz might have been a star himself, just not sure which one...
Uncle Jesse might have been mad, but Kriz might have been a star himself, just not sure which one... THIS ONE or THIS ONE? |
Coach Munoz and his date, Darlene Pepsi
Any Saved by the Bell fans out there? AC Slater, anyone? |
Coach Kuhn with his squeeze, Cheyanne Mankiller
Coach Harris
I'd personally give a week's lunch money to see this one, and I hope you feel the same way.
Coach Pfeiffer
He said there was no way he was going through his storage to find one. If I know one thing, you guys can be very persuasive (if not also manipulative, coercive, pestering, unfair, and perhaps even a little evil). I bet a strong force could make it happen. You are our only hope.
Coach Nack