
Week of 4.21 to 4.26

1. Julie Mackin comes from behind to overtake the competition at the DRHS Invite on Saturday.
2. I Really don't want to seem unsportsmanlike or anything, but what are Wheat Ridge's hips and feet doing? Try to find pictures of yourself from our meet pictures and see how your form looks. Pictures of yourself in competition can be helpful.
3. Check out all the great pics from the meet on the Meet Pictures tab at the top. I added a new feature that puts the latest meet into a slideshow.
We have another chock-a-block full week ahead of us. It becomes all the more important during these busy, stressful, event-filled weeks that athletes are resting really well at night--remember: you make your improvements in rest periods following workouts, and not during the workouts themselves. Eat a lot, too (preferably healthy, but most of all, eat!). Drink an ocean of water everyday.

We just finished today off, and I can't speak for everyone but I can confidently say that it was the best day the 400/800 group has had this season. Really good work put in by Ryan, Nico, Sydney D, Sydney C, Lauren P, Jackson C, Brian C, Sam W, and Isabell C. It was long, but they all maintained the quality throughout the whole thing. All this work is going to amount to something good.

Tomorrow (Tuesday) we have a CRMS meet on our track. Go Knights! A few athletes will be tasked with helping, but most will be completing their workouts somewhere off the track.

Wednesday we will practice as normal until about 5pm, and then at that point we will break off and do our 10k relay to celebrate the end of our fundraising efforts.

Thursday we have our JV championship meet at Regis Jesuit High School.
  • Attending athletes will be released at 215pm
  • Bus leaves at 230pm
  • No return bus, so athletes need to set up a ride home before attending the meet
  • Most JV athletes will still have 1 more meet next week
Friday we have the first day of the two-day Liberty Bell Invitational at Litteleton Public Schools stadium.
  • No school this day, so no early release
  • No JV practice
  • Athletes attending prom should be taking care of all prom issues so they can be at the meet by 330
  • Bus leaves from CV at 230pm
  • No return bus
  • Another split varsity meet
    • One group will be at the 2nd day of the Liberty Bell Invitational
      • Bus leaves at 815
      • No return bus
      • Athletes attending prom must be in attendance until 2pm
    • A second group will compete at the Palmer Ridge Invitational
      • No bus there or back
  • Prom
    • The coaches hope you guys have a ton of fun. Prom is a really fun experience when you attend with the right group of people
    • Please be safe and make smart choices
    • You will most likely stay up long into the night--please sleep a ton on Sunday to recover...ignore your parents pleas to wake up as much as possible
    • (Monday is senior ditch day--a rite of passage to many. If you are absent from school make sure you are excused. Make doubly sure you are not absent from practice.)


Palmer Ridge Invitational

9:00 am Girls triple 
Girls High Jump
Boys Long 
Boys Shot
Girls Disc 
Boys Vault 

11:30am Boys Triple Jump
Boys High Jump
Girls Long Jump
Girls Shot
Boys Disc
Girls Vault 


9:15 Finals Girls 800 Sprint Medley 
9:25 Finals Girls 4 x 800 Relay
9:40 Finals Boys 4 x 800 Relay 
10:00 Finals Girls 100 Hurdles
10:20 Finals Boys 110 Hurdles
10:35 Finals Girls 100
10:45 Finals Boys 100
10:55 Finals Girls 4x200 Relay 
11:05 Finals Boys 4x200 Relay 
11:15 Finals Girls 1600 Run 
11:40 Finals Boys 1600 Run 
12:15 Finals Girls 4x100 Relay 
12:25 Finals Boys 4x100 Relay 
12:35 Finals Girls 400 
12:50 Finals Boys 400 
1:20 Finals Girls 300 Hurdles 
1:35 Finals Boys 300 Hurdles 
1:45 Finals Girls 800 
2:05 Finals Boys 800 
2:15 Finals Girls 200
2:25 Finals Boys 200
2:35 Finals Girls 3200
3:05 Finals Boys 3200
3:35 Finals Girls 4x400 
3:45 Finals Boys 4x400

Liberty Bell Invitational 

         If possible, we will get ahead of schedule on Friday, but will adhere to the schedule Saturday
*all events girls first followed by boys
Friday, April 25
4:30 3200 fast sections final
5:00 100H prelim
5:25 110H prelim
5:50 100 prelim
6:35 400 prelim
7:25 300H prelim
8:05 200 prelim
Saturday. April 26 *all events finals
10:00 Sprint Medley (1-1-2-4)
10:20 4x800
10:55 100H
11:00 110H
11:05 Para 100
11:10 100
11:15 4x200
11:55 1600
Lunch break
1:30 4x100
2:05 400
2:15 300H
2:25 800
3:05 Para 200
3:10 200
3:15 3200 (slow sections)
3:50 1600R 
Friday 4:30           //     Saturday 10:30
  Girls pole vault  //        Boys pole vault
  Boys high jump //        Girls high jump
  B/G long jump   //          B/G triple jump
  Boys shot put    //           Girls shot put
  Girls discus       //               Boys disc


Check back throughout the week for entries. Some athletes that have been running varsity may be attending the JV meet this week instead of, or coupled with running at a varsity meet. This may be because we are putting some focus on this JV championship meet, or because of how we plan to run our varsity league meet in two weeks. This week you may be better off competing at our JV championship and the 6 teams that will be there.